Mostpull ups in one set(hanging rests)

Mostone arm pull ups in 1 hour

Mostone arm pull ups in 3 hours

Mostconsecutive one arm pull ups(clean form)

Mostconsecutive pinky pull ups

Mostconsecutive thumbs pull ups

Mostpull ups in one minute

Mosttwo finger pull ups in one minute

Fastest rope climb 10 meters(neutral legs)

Fastest salmon ladder ascent(7 meters)

Longest duration to maintain a human flag(clean form)

Most consecutive ladder rungs climbedwith one arm

Longest duration in the dead hang position(one arm)

Longest duration in the dead hang position(both arms)

Longest duration in the dead hang position(hanging rests, both arms)

Longest duration four finger hang

Dead hangwith a 700 lb pack

Dead hangwith a 100% body weight pack(one arm)

Longest duration on a knotted rope